
There has been a week that I started to study at TARC and so far everything is going well..
The only problem is how I get to the campus everyday..
Currently I'm travelling from my house to the campus everyday and it waste my TIME and MONEY as well..
It takes about 1 hour for me to go to the campus daily by public transport and even more time if the traffic is jam..=.=
I'm tired of that so I discuss with my mum and I made the decision to move out and stay somewhere near the campus..
I has been looking around the campus area to find a room to rent for 3 days..
There is three venue that I may choose from..
So far I haven't make the decision where to choose and I think I will make my decision very soon..maybe just after this post..haha..


First Day In TAR College

Well..was like very kan cheong for the first day..I woke up around 6am (never wake up so early for a long time after I back from NS and its about 3 months ><) and i left home around 6.20..early?? What to do?? It take times about half an hour to 45 mins from my house to campus by driving and I have to be there b4 7.30am cause the orientation gonna start 7.30..Thats why i got to be so early@.@

After registration and everything then went to the hall for some welcome speech and etc la..just like normal speech which is bored n this cause me feel sleepy..0.o I'm lonely cause do not have any friend choose the same course wif me..When first day kan.. Is like that de la..=P

Just after the welcome speech then all of us divided into groups according to our courses.
The course I taking is Computer Science and Management Mathematics.
Briefing started at 10.30am-12pm..The lecturer tell us about what v going to study in our course n choose the class comittee..Very 'lucky' 1~~~~I hav been choosen as the treasurer.(OMG~~What a 'good' post)..=.= then we have our lunch break from 12pm till 1.30pm..
After lunch then back into the DK to listen those bored stuff again till 3pm..OMG..what a bored day...ZzZ 0.o

When get all these stuff done its was around 4 o'clock.. N I just go home by taking public transport..Damn angry when i take the KTM today..edi suffer for one whole day n hav to wait the stupid n ediot KTM for 1 hour n 13mins when I make the inter-change from station KL Sentre..

When i reach home edi 6.35 man..TIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!After taking bath then go????
SLEEP la..what else???!! =P when i awake edi 10pm n I just to make this post n after this will go n meet "Datuk Chow" again..haha..That's all for today..Goodnight..